Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows Townsville


Lightweight & Versatile Windows

Window shopping just got a lot more fun! At Townsville Windows & Screens, our aluminium windows are the perfect way to update the look and feel of your property. With a range of stylish designs to choose from, we have the perfect window for your space. From sliding, casement and double-hung windows; to bi-folds and louvres—you’ll simply love our contemporary designs!

Our windows are not only stylish, but durable and weather-resistant. They will keep your home insulated and protected from the elements, all while adding a touch of style to make your neighbours green with envy. They'll also keep bugs out so you can enjoy fresh air without any unwanted guests.

To get started designing your own aluminium windows, get in touch with our team today on (07) 4725 6044.

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Sliding Windows

Our aluminium sliding windows are extremely versatile and suited to a range of applications. They are made to order, so you can choose your ideal style, colour and finish. We also have a huge range of accessories to choose from, so you can really make your aluminium sliding windows your own.

Versatile aluminium sliding window systems

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Louvre Windows

Aluminium louvre windows provide the triple threat—privacy, sun control and ventilation. What more could you want? With our custom designs, our team will help you design the perfect louvre window for your space.

Options for privacy, sun control and ventilation

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Double-Hung Windows

Do you love the look of double-hung windows? We do too—they’re a classic for a reason! At Townsville Windows & Screens, we’re all about custom designs, and designing tailored double-hung windows is one of our specialties.

Convenient double-hung windows

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Awning/Casement Windows

Aluminium awning and casement windows deliver ventilation and style in droves. Their clean, bold framed design has a powerful seal, providing greater insulation and energy efficiency.

Awning systems for ventilation and style

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Bi-Fold Windows

Folding windows are perfect for creating a serving counter space between your kitchen and entertaining areas. No matter the size or scope of your space, our team can design the ideal aluminium bi-fold windows to suit.

Folding window systems

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I have security screens for casement windows?

    Yes, Crimsafe security screens can be installed on all kinds of windows including casement windows, double-hung windows, sliding windows and louvres.

  • How should I secure my double-hung window?

    Double-hung windows are a popular choice for the home. Double-hung windows can be made secure using a Crimsafe security screen or by installing window locks such as keyed locks and swivel action locks.

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